We build reputation for your brand.
This is our Digital.

We are a strategic communication and public relations agency created in 2010 to serve brands with purpose.

Communication | Strategy | Results

Brands with our Digital

  • Digital Trix Cliente
  • Digital Trix Cliente
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  • Digital Trix Cliente

Our solutions Always On Communication

Quality content, media relations and publicity so your company is always active and relevant in the market:

  • Communication Consulting

    We help communication and marketing departments to properly address their institutional messages.

  • Press office

    We build relationships with media outlets, journalists and influencers, to keep your company always at the center of the news.

  • Social media

    We develop the ideal strategy for your brand to offer relevant and attractive content on its social networks, increasing engagement and choice preference.

  • Branded Content

    We create relevant content to convey the values of your business or market segment in a contextualized way for your target audience.

  • Image crisis management

    We develop an effective plan for quick and consistent responses, preventively or for crises that have already occurred, to avoid damage to the corporate image or its executives.

  • Videos and Podcasts

    Complete production for your brand's videos, including scripts, recording and final editing of content with opening and closing vignettes.

  • Events

    Our ‘PR Able’ and innovative approach ensures the uniqueness and impact of every event, from product launches to corporate conferences and PR networking events.

  • BI / Analytical reports

    By collecting and analyzing industry-relevant data, we enable our clients to make informed strategic decisions, anticipating future challenges.

  • ESG communication solutions

    We help companies integrate environmental, social and governance considerations into their business strategies.

Contact us
We are a strategic communication and public relations agency created in 2010 to serve brands with purpose.

We are
Digital Trix

Communication agency formed by a senior team of professionals dedicated to developing tailored strategies to build reputation for brands and businesses.

Focusing on results, we create Always On PR solutions for startups and medium and large companies.

Contact us